This paper studied the genetic diversity of wood property among 28 clones of the living tree of Populus tomentosa with the indexes measured by Pilodyn that is a non-destructive method for testing wood property. We measured the diameter at breast height( DBH), and shot the probe of Pilodyn into the south side of the stem and collected parameters( Ps )of wood property in the field. And the basic density( Ds) and the outer wood basic density( Dso)On the south directions of the increment core of the wood were also measured in laboratory. With the parameters collected by using Pilodyn and data of the wood density of the increment core, the clones were ranked with Ps, Dso and D, mean values respectively. There were significant correlations among the three rankings ( - 0.749 - - 0.651), among Ps, Dso and Ds of the individual trees ( - 0.506 - 0.706)and among Ps, Dso and Ds of the clones ( - 0. 840 -0. 808) respectively. The result of the ANOVA analysis also showed there was the remarkable difference in Ps, Dso and Ds among the clones. Based on the three indexes and the DBH respectively, we classified 28 clones into 4 clusters: A) high wood density with fast growth; B) low wood density with fast growth; C) high wood density with slow growth ; D) low wood density with slow growth. The outcome of ANOVA analysis and Multiple Comparisons proved that there were remarkable difference between the 4 clusters via the 3 indexes of wood property. Based on the phenotypic characters we selected 7 fast growth with high wood density clones which were 11, 12, 346, 191, 337, 24, 384.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae