The leaves of 12 species (Acacia auriculiformis, Albizzia procera, Dalbergia sissoo, Gliricidia maculata, Leucaena leuco- cephala, Samanea saman, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus hybrida, Gmelina arborea, Michelia champaca, Morus alba, and Tectona grandis) of Multipurpose trees and shrubs (MPTs) grown in the agroforestry arboretum were evaluated for their nutritional characteristics in terms of proximate composition, cell wall constituents, total tannins, major (Ca and P) and trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Co), in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility (IVDMD and IVOMD) and metabolisable energy (ME) values. There were significant (P〈0.01) variations among MPTs for all parameters studied. The average values of (92.02±0.30)%, (16.00±0.74)%, (3.05±0.13)%, (18.97±1.07)%, (54.00±1.12)% and (7.98 ± 0.30)% (DM basis) were observed for OM (organic matter), CP (crude protein), EE (ether extract), CF (crude fibre), NFE (nitrogen-free extract) and total ash, respectively. Leguminous trees had high CP compared to nonleguminous ones (18.30% vs 13.70%). The mean values for cell wall constituents viz., NDF (neutral detergent fibre), ADF (acid detergent fibre), hemi cellulose, cellulose and ADL (acid detergent lignin) were found to be (52.48±1.05)%, (31.72±0.97)%, (20.76±0.88)%, (16.97±0.70)% and (9.57±0.62)%, respectively. The total tannin contents averaged (4.22±0.32)%. The ratio of Ca to P was quite wider. The levels of Fe and Mn were adequate to rich in all the MPTs while many of the tree species possessed P, Cu, Zn and Co level below the critical limits for the animals. The average IVDMD and IVOMD values were found to be (48.96±1.30)% and (50.69±1.36)%, respectively. The ME value averaged (6.95i-0.11) MJ·kg-1 DM. The CP content had significant positive correlation with IVDMD, IVOMD and ME val- ues while NDF, ADF, ADL and total tannins showed negative correlations with
多种用途树种和灌木在农业系统中有重要的作用,在减少饲料供求矛盾和补充世界各地饲料赤字,提高动物生产力方面有很大的潜力。同时,评价草料各种营养特性,利于生产定量平衡的饲料。评价12种多种用途树种(Acacia auri-culiformis,Albizzia procera,Dalbergia sissoo,Gliricidia macu-lata,Leucaena leucocephala,Samanea saman,Azadirachta in-dica,Eucalyptus hybrida,Gmelina arborea,Michelia champaca,Morus alba,和Tectona grandis)的树叶的营养特性,其中分别包括6种豆科和非豆科树种,指标包括:常规成分,细胞壁成分,总鞣质含量,大量(Ca和P)与微量元素(Fe,Cu,Zn,Mn和Co)含量,干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率以及代谢能量值。结果表明上述各参数都有明显的差异。有机物,粗蛋白质含量,石油醚提取物总量,粗纤维含量,无氮浸出物,总灰分的平均值分别为:(92.02±0.30)%,(16.00±0.74)%,(3.05±0.13)%,(18.97±1.07)%,(54.00±1.12)%和(7.98±0.30)%。豆科树种较非豆科树种有更高的粗蛋白质含量(18.30%和13.70%)。细胞壁成分中的中性洗涤纤维素,酸性洗涤纤维,半纤维,纤维素,酸性木质素含量平均值分别为:(52.48±1.05)%,(31.72±0.97)%,(20.76±0.88)%,(16.97±0.70)%和(9.57±0.62)%。总鞣质含量为(4.22±0.32)%。Ca与P之比合理,多种树种叶中Fe和Mn含量丰富,P,Cu,Zn和Co水平低于标准水平含量。干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率平均值分别为(48.96±1.30)%和(50.69±1.36)%。代谢能量值为(6.95±0.11)MJ·kg-1。粗蛋白质含量与干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率和代谢能量值成正相关;而这三个参数与中性洗涤纤维素,酸性洗涤纤维,和酸性木质素含量成负相关。结果表明:银合欢可作为优良饲料的树种,因为它具有最高的干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率以及代谢能量值(65.20%,67.66%和7.95MJ·kg-1),而Gliricidia maculata,Morus alba,Azadirachta indica,Dalbergia sissoo和Samanea saman可做较好类型饲料的树