

A Design of Transducer with a Film Fixed Around Based on Resonant Tunneling Film
摘要 对运用共振隧穿双势垒(DBRT)结构中的一种压阻效应原理——介观压阻效应,用GaAs/AlAs/InGaAs DBRT结构薄膜作为敏感元件,设计了一个周边固支平膜片结构的压力传感器.通过分析、模拟、计算和试验测试得到了它的参数,并对介观压阻灵敏度和压阻灵敏度的量级作出了比较,验证了介观压阻效应原理可以提高压力传感器的灵敏度的可行性,为制造出基于介观压阻效应的新型超敏感型传感器提供了一定的理论依据. This letter used a piezoresistive effect-meso-piezoresistive effect-in a doublebarrier resonant tunneling (DBRT) structure, took GaAs/AlAs/InGaAs DBRT film as core component, and deviced a transducer with a film fixed around. We obtain its parameter bY simulation, calculation, analysis and experiment, validate the feasibility Of the high sensitivity sensor based on meso-piezoresistive effect. It offers a new means for device micro-transducers.
出处 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第2期132-134,155,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60776062)
关键词 传感器 共振隧穿 介观压阻效应 周边固支平膜片结构 灵敏度 transducers resonant tunneling meso-piezoresistive effect a film fixed around sensitivity
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