
预后不良早期霍奇金淋巴瘤综合治疗的临床观察 被引量:2

Study of combined chemoradiation in patients with unfavorable early stage Hodgkin lymphoma
摘要 目的:研究预后不良的早期霍奇金淋巴瘤(HL)的最佳治疗策略。方法:分析51例预后不良的早期HL单纯放疗(RT)或综合治疗(CMT)后的总生存期(OS)和无病生存期(DFS)。结果:RT组和CMT组的完全缓解率(CR)分别为75.0%和77.1%,χ2=0.028,P=0.867;RT组和CMT组的5和10年OS分别为85.7%、72.5%和93.6%、93.6%,P=0.510;5和10年DFS分别为81.2%、65.7%和100.0%、100.0%,P=0.06;RT组和CMT组的复发率分别为43.8%和22.9%,P=0.003。结论:CMT可以提高10年DFS率,降低复发率,但未明显延长OS。 OBJECTIVE: To study the optimal treatment strategy for the patients with unfavorable early stage Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). METHODS: A retrospective study was performed. Fifty-one patients who were treated with radiation alone (RT) or combined modality therapy (CMT) were entered into the study. The endopoints included the response, the overall survival (OS), the disease-free survival (DFS), and the pattern of relapse. RESULTS: the complete responsive (CR) rates in the RT and CMT groups were 75.0% and 77. 1%(Х^2=0. 028, P: 0. 867)respectively. In the RT and CMT groups, the 5-year and 10-year OS were 85. 7%, 72. 5%and 93.6%, 93.6% (P= 0. 510), respectively; and the 5-year, 10-year DFS rate were 81.2%, 65.7% and 100.0%, 100.0%(P=0.06), respectively. The relapse rates in the RT group and CMT group were 43.8% and 22.9%, respectively (P=0. 003). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with radiotherapy alone, CMT can improve 10- year DFS rate and decrease the relapse rate. However, the overall survival rate does not improve significantly.
出处 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 2008年第14期1094-1096,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
关键词 霍奇金病/药物疗法 霍奇金病/放射疗法 预后 Hodgkin disease/drug therapy Hodgkin disease/radiotherapy prognosis
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