在石油化学加工中 ,原料气中含氧化合物的含量有严格的规定 .含氧化合物的存在 ,可使催化剂中毒失活 .本文用气相色谱法 ,以高分子多孔微球为固定相对乙烯原料气中的微量二甲醚、甲醇 ;丁烯原料气中的微量甲醇、甲基叔丁基醚进行测定 .同时 。
For strict quality control,a limit is set on the content of oxygenated compounds in the feed stocks of petro—chemical processing.presence of such compounds may lead the catelysts to be poisoned and deactivated.This paper presents an analysis of micro amounts of dimethyl ether,methanol in ethylene feed stock;methanol,methyl ter butyl ether in butene feed stock by use of gas chromatography. Porus polymers (Porapak series) were adopted as the stationary phases.Mean while,the selective (characteristics of the) Porapak series in these analyses are studied.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)