大范围地形及城市三维建模,不仅包括地表高程网格构建,还包括场景中各种地物如河流、建筑物、湖泊、森林等的建模,所需的数据量比较大,涉及到的数据种类和格式较多。用传统的方法实现整个大范围城市场景的三维浏览功能时,建模的工作量很大,一般无法实现快速建模。介绍了Terra Vista在地形建模方面的强大特性以及OSG开源图形库在三维渲染方面的独特品质,结合一个城市大范围地形三维漫游系统,具体说明了如何准备数据并利用Terra Vista的强大地形建模能力,以及OSG的三维渲染功能实现大范围城市三维系统的快速建模及流畅漫游。
A three dimensional modeling of large-scale terrain and city includes not only the surface elevation grid construction but also the modeling of the various features in the scene, such as rivers, buildings, lakes, forests and so on. Henceforth, the data required are usually large, and are referred to a lot of sorts and forms. In the traditional approach to realize the whole scope of the 3D terrain virtual walkthrough, modeling is a larger workload and the fast modeling is not easy to be achieved. In this paper, the powerful speciality of Terra Vista about terrain modeling and the unique character of OSG(open scene graph) on the field of 3D rendering are proposed. According to a city's large-scale terrain 3D walkthrough system, the paper presents how to convert the different data sources to the supportive formats in Terra Vista to achieve the fast modeling, then to implement the fluent virtual walkthrough of the whole scene using the excellent 3D rendering ability of OSG.
Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute