Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and the effects of thrombolytic and anti-coagulation therapy on pulmonary embolism(PE) in over 60-year-old patients. Methods The clinical findings, diagnostic techniques, effects of thrombolytic and anti-coagulation therapy in 72 patients with PE aged over 60-year were analyzed retrospectively. Results Each one of 72 patients in this study suffered from two or more chronic diseases. Hypertension (56.9%) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in lower limbs (53. 6%) were the most common thrombosis risk factors in the study. The clinical findings were atypical in elderly patients with PE. Different degree of dyspnea was the main characteristics (91.7 % ). Other findings were cough(30.6% ), chest pain(27.8 % ), cyanosis (18.1% ), faint(13. 9 % ) and emptysis(12.5 % ). The objective signs showed edema of lower extremity (44. 4%), moist rales (31.9%) , P2 accentuation (18.1%), vascular murmur (5.6%) . Blood gas analysis in 61 cases showed that 53 patients suffered from hypoxemia(86.9%) along with 37 cases of hypocapnia (60.7 %). The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient was increased in 27/31 cases (87.1%) and blood D-dipolymer was positive in 50/61 cases (82.0 %). Spiral CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) in 62 cases and radioactive nuclear ventilation perfusion scan in 16 cases demonstrated PE in 58 (93:5 %) and 16 (100%) patients respectively. The cure rate of thrombolytic therapy combined with anti -coagulation versus anti -coagulation therapy alone was 86.2%versus 30. 2% (P=0. 000). There was no haemorrhagia phenomenon during thrombolytic and anti-coagulation therapy. Conclusions The most common risk factors of PE in the elderly are hypertension and DVT in lower limbs. The clinical symptoms are atypical and variable. Dyspnea is the main characteristics. Thrombolytic with anti-coagulation therapy is safe and effective, but anti-coagulation therapy alone has no benefit.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics
Pulmonary embolism
Drug therapy