Objective: To investigate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) - 16, 18 in women, and to evaluate the infection rate in male sex partners of infected women, in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China. Methods: A total of 367 HPV -16, 18 free or unknown women attended the clinical test in Harrison International Peace Hospital, Hengshui, Hebei Province. Fluorogenic quantitative PCR (FQ- PCR) was used for the detection of HPV- 16, 18. Then 30 HPV- 16, 18 infected and 30 healthy womens male sex partners were invited to the hospital for HPV - 16, 18 test. Results: Of the 367 women, 38 women were positive for HPV - 16/18 ( 10. 4% ). The infection rate of HPV - 16, 18 was 13. 3% (4/30) in infected women's male sex partners, and it is0 (0/30) in healthy women' s male sex partners. There was a significant difference ( P =0. 019). Conclusion: HPV - 16, 18 DNA should be required for cervical cancer screening. Meanwhile occult infection of men should not be overlooked.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity