广西蜈蚣常发生以咽喉局部成弥漫性炎症、溃疡及大量干酪样物沉着于咽喉部为特征的咽喉部溃疡。表现为口腔不能启闭、分泌物增多、不能采食吞咽,精神萎颓,逐渐消瘦衰竭致死,发病原因未见报道。对34条自然发病死亡的蜈蚣经病理剖检、细菌学检查,并与标准菌株(10104-7)作了一系列的对比试验,认定为铜绿色假单胞菌(Pseudomos aeruginosa)为蜈蚣咽喉部溃疡病病原菌。对该病原菌进行了药物预防及治疗试验,结果表明,15种药物敏感试验中,氯霉素、复方新诺明、丁胺卡那霉素等3种药物最为敏感,并将其中两种药物作治疗对比试验,结果氯霉素治愈率最为理想,田间扩大治疗试验的结果与实验室治疗结果差异不大。另外选用高锰酸钾溶液作为蜈蚣的体表及房舍用具的消毒剂,对预防蜈蚣咽喉部溃疡病有较好的效果。
Guangxi cenetipede usually suffers from pharyngolaryngeal ulcer disease which is charaeteristic of diffuse inflammation,ulcer and having a large amount of caseous substance deposited in pharynx and larynx.Its mouth could neither open nor close and its se- crection increased.So it could not be able to collect and swallow food,appeared listless,and was gradually emaciating adn finally dead.The etiology of this disease has still not been re- ported.After 34 dead centipedes died from the disease were examined using pathological anatomy and bacteriological method,the pathogen of this disease was reported as Pseu- domonas aeruginosa which was studied by a series of tests in comparison with standard bacte- rial strain 10104-7.Prevention and treatment of this disease by drugs were carried out.The results showed that among 15 drugs used in the drug sensitivity test,chloramphenicol,com- pound sinmia and amikacin were most sensitive,and the cure rate of chloramphenicol in two- drug comparision treatment test was higher than the other.Furthermore,potassium perman- ganate was selected as antiseptic for centipede body surface and premises,and effective in prevention of pharyngolaryngeal ulcera disease.
pharyngolaryngeal ulcera
Pseudomonus aeruginosa
drug sensitivity test
potassium permanganate