
一种速率自调节可用带宽测量算法 被引量:3

Algorithm of available bandwidth measurement with rate self-regulating
摘要 可用带宽是网络路由、网络服务质量、流量工程等方面的一个关键参数。目前很多研究方法都基于PGM模型和PRM模型,但这两种方法大都假设背景流量速率为固定比特流,不适用于低带宽的测试。提出一种端值自调节可用带宽测量算法,该算法充分考虑了低链路带宽的情况。通过对排队延时的处理、探测分组列速率端值自适应调节,实现了端到端可用带宽快速准确的测量。实验结果表明,该算法具有良好的测量效果,尤其在低带宽条件下较其它同类算法提高了测量准确性,加快了测量速度并减小了对网络的影响。 The available bandwidth is an important parameter of the performance of network router,Quality of Service(QoS),and traffic engineering etc.Most research works are based on Probe Gap ModeI(PGM) and Probe Rate Model(PRM).But these methods have a hypothesis that background traffic is constant byte rate,and can not be used in low bandwidth measurement.The paper proposes an algorithm of end-to-end available bandwidth measurement with self-regulating rate of probe train,which fully considers the measurement situation of low bandwidth.Through regulating the delay and self-regulating of send rate of probe packet queue,the end-to-end available bandwidth measurement can be realized quickly and accurately.Experiment results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper is efficient.Especially with low bandwidth,it has better accuracy,faster speed and litde effect on network.
作者 黄玉清 梁靓
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第22期116-119,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)No.2006AA887007~~
关键词 端到端 带宽测量 可用带宽 自调节 end-to-end bandwidth measurement available bandwidth self-regulating
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