以纳西族和汉族大学生为被试,对Yi-Fu Tuan归纳的17对空间词进行了相似性分类,并用多维标度法和分层聚类法进行了分析。结果表明,汉族大学生的空间认知围绕着4个主题:⑴三维方位;⑵边界;⑶空间饱和程度;⑷视觉距离。汉族大学生空间词的概念结构有两个维度:⑴方位/状态;⑵以观察者为参照/以物为参照。纳西族大学生的空间认知围绕着5个主题:⑴垂直方位;⑵水平方位;⑶边界;⑷空间饱和度;⑸视觉距离。纳西族大学生空间词的概念结构也有两个维度:⑴水平/垂直;⑵状态/方位。汉族大学生和纳西族大学生空间认知的差异主要表现在"水平/垂直"维度上,这与汉族和纳西族的语言和文化差异相一致。整个研究表明,语言和文化对空间认知主题和空间概念结构有着重要的影响。
There are two different views on the relationships among language, culture, and cognition: one is Linguistic Universalism, which declares that language is only the input or output of thinking, and that differences in language do not affect consistency of thinking; the other is Linguistic Relativism, which asserts that culture affects thinking via language, and that people who speak different languages and are l^om different cultures may have different styles of thinking. This kind of controversy also exists with respect to the relationship between spatial terms and spatial coguition. Some researchers believe that mankind could universally share spatial coguition, but others believe that different languages could produce different spatial coguitions and different spatial experiences. This study probes the relationship between spatial coguition, language, and culture.
This study consisted of two experiments that were different only in terms of the order of word pairs. Thirty-six Han nationality students (18 males and 18 females) and 37 Naxi nationality students (18 males and 19 females) took part in Experiment 1 ; they all came ~om the Daft Institute in the Yunnan province of China. All participants shared similar habitations and could speak Mandarin fluently, but the two nations' students came from different cultures and had different first languages. They were asked to sort 17 pairs of Chinese spatial terms summarized by Yi-Fu Tuan into groups, according to the terms' similarities. The groupings were subject to a Multi-Dimensional Scaling analysis and a hierarchical clustering analysis, in order to reveal the students' spatial cognitive theanes and spatial concept constructions. Another 36 Han nationality students (18 males and 18 females) and 35 Naxi nationality students (17 males and 19 females)joined Experiment 2. They too were asked to classify 17-pairs of Chinese spatial terms with the same word pairs as Experiment 1, only with the word order changed.
The results of the Han nation
Acta Psychologica Sinica
spatial terms, spatial cognitive theme, spatial concept structure.