Objective To investigate the elinieal applieation of spiral CT fistulography in diagnosing complicated multi-anal fistula. Methods Spiral CT fistulography and x-ray visualization were examinated in 41 eases patients with eomplieated multi-anal fistula. The CT image postproeessing sueh as 3D SSD was performed. The finding in operation and follow-up was used to eompare the elinieal value of the two technique. Results Spiral CT fistulagraphy with three-dimensional postproeessing techniques ean elearly show the origin and branehes of eomplieated multi-anal fistula in all eases. Aeeording to the CT fistulagraphy, we aetualize set on division of anal fistulotomy to all the patients. The rate of cure was 100% after following-up for more than one year. Conclusion Spiral CT fistulography with 3D postproeessing ean direet elinieal operation of complicated multi-anal fistula. It is an important method to improve cure rate and deserved to be popularized.
Medical Recapitulate