Objective:To study the pathogenicity of Helicobacter in vivo. Method:SPF Balb/cmice were innoculated with Helicobacter fells(Hf). Pathological changes in gastric mucosa ofanimals were observed in varying durations of infection, humoral antibodies to Hf and Helicobacterpylori(Hp) were detected too. Results:Chronic gastritis characterized by infiltration of lymphoidcells and formation of lymphoid follicles could be found after 24 to 40 weeks of infection. Acutegastritis features such as erosion of gastric mucosa and infiltration of neutrophilic cells could befound (40 weeks) afterwards, infiltration of eosinophilic cells could be found sporadically in gastricmucosa of some animals. IgG antibodies with cross reactivity with Hp could be detected in serumand intestinal fluid of mice infected for 40 weeks. Conclusion:There were strong correlationshipbetween the development of chronic gastritis and Hf infection, mouse model infected with Hf mightbe very useful in the study of Hp.
Chinese Journal of Digestion