Aim. Refs. 2 and 3 by Itzhak dealt with the control system mentioned in the title using feedback compensator. This paper is different from Refs. 2 and 3 in that. (1) the design of our feedback compensator is different; (2) Refs. 2 and 3 did not consider external interference and perturbation. In the full paper, we explain our design in some detail; in this abstract, we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the three topics of explanation. The first topic is. the description of the robust flight control system. The second topic is. direct adaptive control. The third topic is. the design of the robust flight control system based on direct adaptive control. Its three subtopics are. the structure of the flight control system (subtopic 3.1), the design of a feedback compensator (subtopic 3.2) and the proof of stability (subtopic 3.3). In subtopic 3.1, Fig. 1 presents the structure of the flight control system, from which we can see that the design focus is to choose an appropriate feedback compensator and an adaptive gain matrix. In subtopic 3.2, we do two things: (1) we use eq. (10) in the full paper to design the feedback compensator so as to ensure that the flight control system is positive real; (2) we achieve the robustness of the modeling error. We also use the optimization algorithm to calculate the value of the feedback gain matrix. In control sys control of a that the de that its out subtopic 3.3, we apply the Lyapunov tem. Finally, we simulate the flight n si aircraft. The simulation gned flight control syste put can almost completely function to proving control system des results, shown in Fig. 3 and m is robust to parameter track the trajectory of the the a igned uncert the aint symptotical stability of the flight by us using the lateral motion full paper, indicate preliminarily y and external perturbation and reference model.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
flight control systems, robustness (control systems), direct adaptive control, feedbackcompensator