The automatic environmental monitoring station is required to be allocated on the top of buildings or the open wild. The equipment and devices are very easy to be suffered and struck by lightning because of the vulnerability of the micro electronic device and the frequency-intensity of the lighting in Jiangsu which is situated at the frequent zone of thunderstorm. This paper outline brief description of Lightning types and their's cause of formation ,giving a Academic mathematic relation of lightining rod and it's protection area . How to choose power supply and signal line protector are also suggested from successful design of some countryside air and water automatic station, the experience of water bureau and wether bureau are used for reference. An exercisable measurement skill was gived to validate whether the earth resistance is less than 4Ω which is prescribed in technical specification of Air automatic monitoring system(2005-HJ/T2005).
Enviromental quality automatic monitoring system
Lightning electromagnetic impulse
Lightning struckrisk coefficient
Surge protective device (SPD)