
支持动态服务组合的Web服务封装 被引量:3

Study on Web Service Packaging to Support Dynamic Service Composition
摘要 针对如何将包含复杂操作的Web服务封装成Web服务社区和Web服务簇这一问题,提出一种基于Web服务日志,使用序列模式挖掘技术的Web服务封装方法.该方法对Web服务日志进行序列模式挖掘以获得业务功能服务序列,使用获得的序列将Web服务封装成业务功能服务,进而封装成服务社区和服务簇.使用该方法可以有效地将包含复杂操作的Web服务封装成支持动态服务组合的服务社区和服务簇. How to package various web services that involve lots of complex operations so as to turn them into web service communities or web service clusters is discussed. Based on the web service log where various web services are indefinitely involved, a web service packaging method is proposed using the sequential-pattern mining technique. The method is implemented the way the technique is applied to mining the log to find out the serving function sequence which is then used to package various web service operations and form different functional services, thus providing web service communities/clusters. The web service communities/clusters thus packaged are available to support the dynamic service composition.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期956-959,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60773218)
关键词 序列模式挖掘 动态服务组合 服务社区 服务簇 业务功能服务 sequential-pattern mining dynamic service composition service community service cluster functional service
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