Objective To investigate influence of different patterns of feeding on sleep status of the infants aged 0~ 6 months old. Methods The suobjects were extracted from a national epidemiological investigation on sleep status of children aged 0 ~5 years old in twelve cities conducted from 2004 to 2005. In questionnaire investigation method, the parents of the children received field investigation. The data investigated from 3 016 infants aged 0 - 6 months old were recorded doubly and analyzed with SAS statistical software for relationship between feeding patterns and sleep status of the infants. Results In duration of nocturnal/diurnal sleep, there was difference between infants with different feeding patterns. The average sleep time in daytime of the infants in breasffeeding, formula feeding, and mixed breasffeeding groups was 5.26h, 5.23h, 5.36h respectively and 9.05h, 8.93h, 8.83h respectively in nighttime. As to sleep habits, compared with the other feedings, the breasffed infants shown more sleep frequencies, and had high rates of sharing the same bed with their parents and holding the nipple in mouth during sleep, while those infants with artificial feeding had high rate of needing to be embraced and clapped in arm of their parents before sleep. In addition, in incidence of snoring there were differences between the infants with different patters of feeding. Conclusfon As a first chosen pattern of feeding, breasffeeding is a perfect feeding pattern and is beneficial to sleep development of the infants, however, this feeding pattern is also accompanied with some unhealthy adverse sleep habits such as sharing the same bed with parents, holding the mother' s nipple in mouth and so on. So in the course of breasffeeding, the parents should avoid those unhealthy adverse sleep habits, cultivate a good sleep habit and create a good sleep environment for the infants.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
epidemiological investigation