In the 1940s, novelists of the "Peopleg Republic of China" record Chinese Rural revolution for nearly half a century, from the "Republic of China" to "People's Republic of China". China's rural revolution is the essence of the reform of land ownership, and its content includes not only the armed revolution between the Communist party of China and KMT, but also the national war and rural land reform movement. This generation of novelists inherits leftist literature descent, or draws nourishment from the folk culture, or carries forward the essence of classical Chinese literature. In the similar social, political and cultural context they form their own unique literary style, which has three types of fiction: village "epic", village "haipai", village "lyric". The 1980s novelists experience various social realisties, especially the " cultural" revolution, they deconstruct or draw or master. "New Historical Novel" reconstructs "village revolution" landscape in the story of village revolutionary. In the vision of literary history of the 20th century, the 1940s revolutionary village novels demonstrate their unique status and influence.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)