
纵弯耦合宽带换能器设计及高静水压实验分析 被引量:2

The design and high hydrostatic pressure analysis of flexural head tonpilz transducer
摘要 利用纵振换能器的前盖板弯曲振动与其纵向振动相耦合的方式来拓宽换能器的频带,采用有限元仿真软件ANSYS对换能器进行整体分析,经过大量的仿真计算,最终优化设计出纵弯换能器,使其电导响应和发送电压响应-3dB带宽均达到了一个倍频程,同时鉴于纵弯换能器耐压性能差,对其进行高静水压下实验分析,实验证明此换能器至少可以承受8MPa的静水压力。 A design to broad the transducer's bandwidth by coupling the flexural vibration of the front mass and the longitudinal vibration of the transducer is proposed. The transducer is analyzed by the finite element simulation software ANSYS, and the optimum design dimensions of the transducer is obtained through analysis. Experiments verified that the bandwidth (-3dB) of the measured admittance and tran- smitting voltage response can be up to one octave. Since the transducer has a low compression resistance, a high hydrostatic pressure experiment is specially made to show that the transducer can at leas endure a hydrostatic pressure of 8 MPa.
作者 严伟 郝浩琦
出处 《声学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期469-472,共4页 Technical Acoustics
关键词 宽带 弯曲振动 纵向振动 耦合 有限元(ANSYS) 高静水压 wideband flexural vibration longitude vibration coupling finite element method (ANSYS) high hydrostatic pressure
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