海坛海峡潮下带大型底栖动物现状调查设置13个测站,依据《海洋监测规范》(GB17378.7-1998),于2005年10月、2006年5月进行两个航次采样,大型底栖动物定量采泥标本,经初步鉴定共有222种,其中多毛类121种,软体动物44种,甲壳动物33种,棘皮动物14种,鱼类1种,其他类群动物9种,包括国家二类保护动物厦门文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri),年平均栖息密度为1237.5ind/m2,年平均生物量(fm)为58.87g/m2,Shannon-Weiner多样性指数平均3.160,Margalef物种丰富度指数3.479,Piellou均匀度指数0.711,群落特征表明海坛海峡潮下带底栖动物生态环境仍属正常状况.年平均去灰干质量10.60g(AFDM)/m2,依据Brey(1990)的经验公式,次级生产力10.58g(AFDM)/(m2·a),年平均P/B值为1.80.表明海坛海峡潮下带的优势种为个体小,生命周期短,繁殖力高,栖息密度大的种类,它们对潮下带大型底栖动物次级生产力的贡献较大.
The current status of the macrobenthos in subtidal zone of the Haitan Strait were made for the sampling of macrobenthos in October,2005 and May,2006,according to the instructions of the Specification for Marine Monitoring(GB17378.7-1998). The investigation results indicated that there were 222 species of macrobenthos in subtidal zone, 121 species of Polychaeta,44 species of Molusca,33 species of Crustacea, 14 species of Echinodermata, 1 species of fishes and 9 other species,include wildlife under second class protection amphioxus(Branchiostoma belcheri). The annual mean abundance and biomass were 1 237.5 ind/m^2 and 58. 87 g/m^2 (wet mass). Mean Shannon-Weiner diversity index was 3. 160. Mean Margalef's species abundance index was 3. 479. Piellou's index was 0. 711. The community character showed the eco-environment in the subrtidal zone of the Haitan Strait was in normal status. The annual mean AFDM (ash-free dry mass) was 10.60 g (AFDM)/m^2 ,in according to Brey's (1990) empirical formula,the mean value of secondary production of macrobenthos was 10.58 g (AFDM)/(m^2. a) ,the annual mean P/B value was 1.80. The P/B value demonstrated that the dominant species in the area was highly subbited small animals. Those animals possess a short life cycle and high reproduction capacity,and play a key function on the value of secondary production in the subtidal zone of the Haitan Strait.
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science