
一种鲁棒灵活的非平衡多描述视频编码和传输方案 被引量:6

A Robust and Flexible Unbalanced Multiple Description Video Coding and Transmission Scheme
摘要 在网络上传输的视频经常因为丢包而影响终端接收到的视频的质量.由于现有的视频编码器通常使用预测编码技术来减少时域冗余提高压缩率,所以一个包的丢失都会引起错误的传播,直到解码器收到帧内编码的帧为止.针对这个问题,文中提出一种灵活鲁棒的非平衡多描述编码和传输方案.其编码器借助不同描述间的"同步帧",能够迅速从包丢失中恢复解码,并保证终端视频的连续播放;同时,该方案能够灵活适应多路径传输和单路径传输两种情况.文中还研究了单路径传输时不同描述间的码率分配问题,并提出一种近似最优的快速码率分配方案.实验结果充分验证了文中提出的非平衡多描述编码和传输方案的有效性、鲁棒性和灵活性. This paper propose transmission scheme, which is a flexible and robust unbalanced multiple description coding and capable of quickly recovering from packet losses and ensuring continuous playback, and further adaptive to both multiple path and single path transmission. Furthermore, this paper discusses the problem of rate allocation between different descriptions when only single path transmission is available and proposes an approximate while efficient rate allocation scheme with the help of two-state Markov link model and a representative rate-distortion model. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1155-1164,共10页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(60503063)资助
关键词 多描述编码 非平衡多描述编码 码率分配 视频编码 传输方案 multiple description coding unbalanced multiple description coding rate allocation video coding transmission scheme
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