本文采用RT-PCR的方法检测胃癌组织的REG 1A基因mRNA表达,并分析其与胃癌临床特征的相关性。结果显示有78%(183/235)的原发性胃癌REG 1A mRNA阳性。REG 1A mRNA在胃癌中的表达与肿瘤的浸润生长方式、印戒细胞癌及低分化胃腺癌关系密切。与REG 1A mR-NA阳性的肿瘤患者相比,REG 1A mRNA阴性高分化腺癌患者有更好的预后。同时REG 1A mR-NA阳性的肿瘤发生血行转移的机会要显著高于REG 1A mRNA阴性肿瘤。因此REG 1A mRNA的表达与胃癌浸润性生长密切相关,可能是高分化胃腺癌的一个不良预后指标。
Using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), REG IA mRNA expression was investigated in 235 primary gastric carcinoma samples. And the relation between these results with the clinicopathologic parameters of primary gastric carcinoma was discussed in experiment. The positive REG 1A mRNA is 78% (183/235) of primary gastric carcinoma which revealed by RT-PCR analysis. Moreover, patients with REG 1A-positive differentiated adenocarcinoma were found to have a significantly poorer prognosis compared with REG 1A-negative tumor patients. REG IA mRNA is closely linked to the infiltrative growth pattern and with signet ring cell carcinoma and poorly differentitated adencarcinoma. And the incidence of venous invasion of REG 1A-positive tumors was significantly higher than that of REG 1A-negative tumors. So the resuits of the experiment demonstrate that the expression of the REG 1A gene is closely related to the infiltrating property of primary gastric carcinoma, and may be as a prognostic indicator of differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach in clinic diagnosis.
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology