

Subspace-based Blind Channel Estimation Algorithm for OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) System by Exploiting Redundancy of Received Signals
摘要 提出了一种基于子空间OFDM盲信道估计算法的改进算法。由于OFDM传输方程不能直接推导子空间算法,故给出了一种新的方法对OFDM传输方程作矩阵变换,该方法利用接收信号的冗余特性,得到一个结构简单的新方程,经理论分析证明,该算法对于循环前缀CP(Cyclic Prefix)的长度没有严格要求,大于或小于信道阶数,皆可以成立。 This paper puts forward an improved subspace-based blind channel estimation algorithm. Because the subspace algorithm can' t be directly deduced by using OFDM transmission equation, a new method, which is used to make the matrix transformation for OFDM transmission equation, utilizes the redundancy of received signals,and a new subspace-based blind channel estimation algorithm is obtained. Theoretic analysis shows that the algorithm still works for OFDM system with sufficient CP and insufficient CP.
机构地区 太原理工大学
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2008年第18期131-133,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 正交频分复用 子空间 盲信道估计 OFDM subspace blind channel estimation
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