The devastating earthquake that struck Wenchuan on May 12, 2008, deeply scarred not only China, but profoundly touched the entire world as well. Within two weeks of the initial shock, and with thousands of smaller tremors continuing to topple buildings and claim lives, the death toll had exceeded 60,000. When China declared three days of national mourning beginning on May 19, the whole worldjoined together in grieving the horrific loss of life.
The devastating earthquake that struck Wenchuan on May 12, 2008, deeply scarred not only China, but profoundly touched the entire world as well. Within two weeks of the initial shock, and with thousands of smaller tremors continuing to topple buildings and claim lives, the death toll had exceeded 60,000, When China declared three days of national mourning beginning on May 19, the whole world joined together in grieving the horrific loss of life.