
基于离散对数问题的两层分散式组密钥管理方案 被引量:4

A Two-level Decentralized Group Key Management Scheme Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem
摘要 该文基于"多个解密密钥映射到同一加密密钥"的公钥加密算法提出一个组密钥更新协议,结合LKH算法为特定源多播模型设计一个两层分散式组密钥管理方案。证明它具有后向保密性、高概率的前向保密性和抗串谋性。通过上层私钥的长寿性和密钥转换的方法来缓解子组管理者的性能瓶颈及共享组密钥方法中普遍存在的"1影响n"问题。分析表明,采用混合密码体制的新方案在一定程度上兼备了两类不同组密钥管理方法的优势。 Based on a public-key encryption algorithm with "multiple decryption keys mapping to one encryption key" , a group re-keying protocol is proposed and then combining the protocol with the LKH algorithm a two-level decentralized group key management scheme is designed for Source Specific Multicast(SSM). Its backward secrecy, forward secrecy and non-collusion with high probability are demonstrated. The performance bottleneck of subgroup managers and the "l-affects-n" problem existing universally in the common group key approach are mitigated through the long-livedness of private keys in the upper level and the method of key translation. The analysis shows that adopting a hybrid cryptosystem the novel scheme possesses some advantages of two distinct classes of approaches to group key management.
作者 杨军 周贤伟
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1457-1461,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60573050)资助课题
关键词 安全多播 组密钥管理 “1影响n”问题 后向/前向保密性 抗串谋性 Secure multicasting Group Key Management(GKM) "l-affects-n" problem Backward Secrecy(BS) /Forward Secrecy(FS) Non-Collusion(NC)
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