Aiming at the specific protocol of RFID technology,a 915MHz CMOS transmitter front-end for OOK modulation is implemented in a 0.18μm CMOS process. The transmitter incorporates a class-E power amplifier (PA), a modulator, and a control logic unit. The direct-conversion architecture minimizes the required on-and-off-chip components and provides a low-cost and efficient solution. A novel structure is proposed to provide the modulation depth of 100% and 18% ,respectively. The PA presents an output ldB power of 17.6dBm while maintaining a maximum PAE of 35.4%.
针对一种特定的射频识别技术的通讯协议(ISO1800-6B) ,提出了一种应用于射频识别读写器中的发射机前端结构,以实现发射信号的OOK调制.采用0.18μm CMOS工艺实现的这种高效率、高度集成的无线发射机前端由射频信号调制器、E类功率放大器以及相应的逻辑控制单元组成,其中的功率放大器的小信号增益约为23dB,其1dB压缩点输出功率为17.6dBm,最大输出功率为19.0dBm,而最大功率增加效率为35.4%.整个发射机的输出信号满足相应协议的特定要求,可以实现不同调制深度(18%和100%)的射频信号输出.