proper law源于一项传统的系属公式"合同适用合同缔结地法"。胡伯在解释合同缔结地时,赋予了proper law"意思自治"的思想,在以后的发展中proper law逐渐形成了现在的以"意思自治"与"最密切联系"相结合的含义。本文通过将proper law与其他相似概念的比较分析,首先指出proper law是一个集冲突规则与实体规范为一体的概念,是一个以"意思自治"原则为主,以"最密切联系"原则为辅的结构。其次,阐述了proper law中限制"意思自治"范围的标准是"善意、合法和不与公共政策相违背"。再次,本文强调了"合同自体法"的概念并不能涵盖proper law的全部含义。接着,指明proper law的体系就是统一的properlaw规则与不同的准据法群体的结合体。最后,指出"特征履行"是"最密切联系"发展的新形态。
Proper law originated from a traditional formula of attribution which is called “lex loci contractus”. Huber gave the proper law a meaning of will autonomy when he explained “loci contractus”. In the following development, proper law gradually formed the meaning which is a combination of will autonomy and the most significant relation-ship. This essay points out that proper law is a combined conception of conflict law rules and substantive rules. Will autonomy is the first important doctrine then comes to the most significant relationship doctrine when using proper law of contract. Moreover,this essay illustrates that the ristriction on proper law is bona fide and public policy. Furthermore, the author claims that the chinese translation of proper law cannot cover the whole connotation of proper law. Next, it is explained that the proper law is a conception which is a combination of rules and cluster of applicable laws. At last, it demonstrates that characteristic performance theory is the latest development of the most signifi-cant relationship doctrine.
Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law
will autonomy
the most significant relationship
applicable law
conditional choice
self-depend law
characteristic performance