This paper describes simplex hybrid genetic algorithm called SM-HGA^*.In detail,by analyzing Neld Meld Simplex algorithm,the authors propose simplex crossover operator and K-step random simplex search operator,and respectively fuse Neld Mead Simplex algorithm and above two novel operators into the best population μPB(t),the worst population μPw(t) and a coin mon population Pc(t) in a genetic algorithm in order to construct algorithm SM-HGA+.Neld Mead Simplex algorithm in μPB(t) raises the computation precision;the simplex crossover operator in μPW (t) accelerates the worst individuals evolving towards better indlviduals;the K-step random simplex search operator enhances the global convergence speed and genetic algorithm with big crossover probability improves global search performance of algorithm SM-HGA^* by population Pc (t).The standard testing functions test and verify the correctness and efficiency of SM-HGA .
Computer Engineering and Applications
国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.5027150)
湖南省教育厅一般项目(the Common Project of Bureau of Education of Hunan Province under Grant No.05C410)