Powerbuilder是一种是基于客户/服务器应用的、最具有代表性的新一代数据库前端开发工具,对数据库应用系统的强有力的支持是PB的一大特色。文章对Powerbuilder与SQL Server数据库的连接技术作了一些探讨,并对常用的连接给出了具体实现方法。
Powerbuilder, which is the most representative, is a new front-end development tool of data base based on customer/server application. One of its major features is its stong support to the application system of data base. The article has conducted some discussion on the connection technology with regard to powerbuilder and SQL Server data base as well as offered concrete methods of realizing commonly used connection.
Journal of Nanjing Radio & TV University