
淡水养殖中华鲟成鱼的3种方式及效果比较 被引量:10

Three types of culture Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) and the analysis of their effects by comparison
摘要 淡水养殖中华鲟成鱼主要有工厂化养殖、网箱养殖和池塘养殖等3种方式。工厂化养殖和网箱养殖中华鲟成鱼的生长速度要明显快于池塘养殖方式,其中网箱养殖的成鱼有最大的相对生长率和瞬时生长率。工厂化养殖中华鲟成鱼需要较大的资金投入和较高的生产运行成本,同等生产规模的投资成本和生产运行成本为网箱养殖的2~3倍,不宜大规模推广,可选择条件适宜的山溪、水库进行自流式流水养殖;网箱养殖投入产出比高,能源消耗少,节约水资源,养殖中华鲟的生长速度、成活率、资金投入的效益等均有较明显的优势,是一种值得提倡和推广的中华鲟成鱼养殖方式。池塘养殖中华鲟成鱼虽然投入和成本低,但养殖成活率低,效果差,不宜大量采用。试验结果表明,工厂化养殖和网箱养殖中华鲟成鱼的单位面积载鱼量均较低,规格1~3kg的个体,养殖时的有效载鱼量控制在10kg·m^-2左右较适宜,不宜超过15kg·m^-2。 There are mainly three types of culture Chinese sturgeon, i. e. , indoor intensive culture, net-cage culture and pond culture. The effectiveness of these patterns is compared in this paper. The adult Chinese sturgeons cultured in the first two patterns grow faster than those in the last one. And an adult Chinese sturgeon cultured in net cage has the highest relative growth rate (RGR) and instantaneous growth rate. Indoor intensive culture pattern needs more fund investment and higher operation cost, which is 2 - 3 times more than net-cage culture pattern for the same scale of production. Thus, this pattern is not suitable for large-scale promotion. Stream or reservoir with suitable condition may be chosen to carry on gravity flowing water culture. Net-cage culture pattern has higher ratio of output to input, and consumes few energy and water resource. In addition, it has obvious advantages in grow-speed, survival rate, and benefit of investment. Therefore, net-cage culture pattern is worth advocating and promoting. For pond culture, although it has low in-vestment and cost, the survival rate is low and the effect is bad. So it is not suitable for extensive use. The result of the experiment indicated that, both indoor intensive culture and net-cage culture have low fish carrying capacity per unit area for adult Chinese sturgeon. The carrying capacity needs to be controlled about 10 kg·m^-2 and less than 15 kg·m^-2 for individuals of 1 - 3 kg.
出处 《南方水产》 2006年第2期1-5,共5页 South China Fisheries Science
基金 科技部社会公益研究专项资金项目(2000DIB50177) 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2002年) 中国水产科学研究院科研基金项目(2003-3-9)
关键词 中华鲟 成鱼 工厂化养殖 网箱养殖 池塘养殖 Acipenser sinensis Chinese sturgeon indoor intensive culture net cage culture pond culture
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