目的了解术前配戴角膜接触镜对准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术后泪膜功能的影响。方法对120例(240眼)近视患者行双眼LASIK手术,将研究对象分为对照组(LASIK术前从未配戴角膜接触镜者)和配镜组(LASIK术前连续配戴角膜接触镜时间>2年者),各60例(120眼),采用双盲法对照研究。观察LASIK前后Schirmer I试验(Schirmer I test,SIt)和泪膜破裂时间(Break-up time,BUT),比较两组间差异是否有统计学意义。结果SIt测量结果:术前、术后第1周、第1个月、第3个月,对照组分别为(18.13±7.48)mm,(14.20±7.81)mm,(16.76±7.38)mm,(17.24±8.06)mm;配镜组分别为(14.77±8.49)mm,(9.88±7.50)mm,(13.09±8.23)mm,(13.90±7.87)mm。两组在各时间点比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。BUT测量结果:术前、术后第1周、第1个月、第3个月,对照组分别为(13.21±7.20)s,(7.14±3.97)s,(9.86±3.97)s,(12.31±5.83)s;配镜组分别为(8.98±4.36)s,(4.68±2.85)s,(6.37±3.03)s,(8.19±3.61)s。两组在各时间点比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论术前配戴角膜接触镜会影响LASIK术后泪膜功能的恢复,LASIK手术后更应注意补充人工泪液。
Objective To study the effects of laser in situ ker-atomileusis (LASIK) on tear film function following soft contact lens wear. Methods In this prospective trial, a total of 60 patients (240 myopic eyes) who had undergone LASIK were divided into two groups:a control group that had never worn contact lenses before the operation and a test group that had worn contact Ienses at least two years before the operation. Schirmer I test (Sit) and tear break-up time (BUT) measurements were taken before the operation and 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after the operation. Results The respective Sit values before the operation and I week, I month and 3 months after the operation were (18.13±7.48)mm, (14.20±7.81)mm, (16.76±7.38)mm, (17.24±8.06)mm for the control group and were (14.77±8.49)mm, (9.88±7.50)mm, (13.09±8.23)mm, (13.90±7.87)mm for the test group. The test group had lower Sit values compared to the control group (preoperation t=2.304, P= 0.023; 1 week t=3.088, P=0.003; 1 month t=2.507, P=0.014; and 3 months t=2.155, P=0.033). Sit values were lower at 1 week postoperatively (P〈0.05), The respective BUT values for the control group before the operation and 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after the operation were (13.21±7.20)s, (7.14±3.97)s, (9.86±3.97)s, and (12.31±5.83)s. The BUT values were lower at 1 week and 1 month postoperatively (P〈0.05). The respective BUT values for the test group before the operation and 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after operation were (8.98±4.36)s, (4.68±2.85)s, (6.37±3.03)s, and (8.19±3.61)s. The BUT values were lower at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months compared to the preoperative value (P〈0.05), The test group had lower values compared to the control group for both Sit and BUT (preoperation t=3.894, P〈0.001; 1 week t=3.3905, P〈 0.001; 1 month t=5.257, P〈0.001; 3 months t=4.356, P〈0.001) (P〈0.05). Conclusion Patients who wear soft contact lenses before LASIK ex
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology