目的 分析北海市无偿献血中人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的流行状况;探讨HIV初筛试验与确认试验之间的关系;为提高HIV检测技术;为招募和选择无偿献血者提供依据。方法 对2002~2007年献血者初筛和确认试验阳性的资料进行分析。结果 北海市无偿献血人群HIV感染率为0.036%,感染者男性居多,18~30岁年龄段占76.5%,初筛试验双阳性的标本确认阳性率为51.5%,两种试剂初筛试验吸光度/临界值(S/CO)≥6的标本确认阳性率为80.0%。结论 北海市HIV已经从高危人群向一般人群扩散,做好无偿献血者的招募工作,使用灵敏度高、特异性强的试剂,从而保证血液的安全。
Objective To analyze the prevalence of HIV infection in blood donation without compensation in Beihai, study the relationship between the HIV screening test and the confirmed test, so as to improve HIV testing technique and to provide the basis for recruiting and selecting voluntary blood donors. Methods The clinical data of blood donors with HIV screening test or confirmed test positive 2002 to 2007 were analyzed. Results The HIV infection rate of voluntary blood donors in Beihai was 0. 036% and most infectors were males, people aged 18-30 accounted for 76.5 %. The confirmed rate of the samples with preliminary screening test double positive was 51.5%. The confirmed rate of the samples was 80% with two reagents for screening test which absorbence/crltical value (S/ CO) was 6 or above. Conclusion HIV infection in Beihai has spread from hlgh-risk group to general population. It is vital to enhance the recruitment of voluntary blood donors and use sensitive and special reagents so as to ensure the blood safety.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
blood donation without compensation
human immunodeficiency virus
preliminary screening test
confirmed test