非有效接地电网发生单相接地故障时,准确检出故障线路对快速排除故障、提高供电可靠性具有重要意义。文中采用了基于CPCI 总线工控机和虚拟仪器实现的单相接地选线保护装置。该文叙述了 CPCI 总线技术、虚拟仪器技术及 Lab VIEW 开发工具,重点介绍了基于 CPCI 工控机的选线装置硬件组成和基于虚拟仪器的选线装置软件设计。实际运行结果表明采用工控机和虚拟仪器技术实现的选线装置具有优良的性能。
When single-phase ground fault occurs in non-effective grounding grid, accurate detection of fault lines are of great significance to rapid trouble shooting and improving supply reliability. This paper refers to single-phase-to-ground protection device based on CPCI bus industrial computer and virtual instrument, describes the CPCI bus technology, virtual instrument technology and LabVIEW development tools, and focuses on the industrial computer hardware components based on CPCI and devices based on the virtual instrument line selection device software design. It proves practically that the device, based on CPCI bus industrial computer and virtual instrument, behaves powerful quality.
Electrical Automation