详细介绍了基于虚拟仪器软件——LabWindows/CVI的自动门集控系统的设计方案。此方案采用MOXA通用型多功能串口卡CP-134 USeries V2进行RS485通讯,实现了对现场自动门的实时动画模拟和多机控制,以及系统配置文件保存和系统故障信息记录等功能。
In this paper,a design for monitor and control of autodoor system based on virtual instrument programming software LabWindows/CVI is described.Universal multifunction and multiport serial card MOXA CP-134U Series V2 is used in this system based on RS485 communication.It realizes the real-time flash simulation and multi control of autodoor, it also realizes the saving of system configuration files and fault information.
Industrial Control Computer