1949年新中国成立以后,我国政府非常重视奶畜饲养和乳品加工业,使之逐步成为一项新的产业。 解放初期,全国奶牛及改良种奶牛存栏只有12万头,奶山羊17万只 牛奶、羊奶总产量21.7万吨。到1979年,奶牛及改良种奶牛存栏已有55.7万头,奶山羊150万只,牛奶、羊奶总产量130.1万吨。在这30年间,奶牛头数增长了3.6倍。
Between 1979 -1995, dairy product production has seen a growth of 874%. However, the average annual dairy consumption rate per head in China is still relatively low, showing the true development potential of this market. The Chairman of the Chinese Dairy Industry Association suggests ways to bring the Chinese dairy industry into a new century.
China Food Industry