针对不同的建筑抗震设防类别和性能目标(小震丙类、小震乙类、"中震不屈服"和"中震弹性"),对框架结构和框架-剪力墙结构进行抗震设计。以小震丙类建筑为基准,比较按小震乙类建筑、"中震不屈服"和"中震弹性"设计时,结构地震效应和抗震措施的差别所引起的构件截面尺寸与配筋(即工程量)的变化。分析表明:①按中震设计时结构的楼层位移约为按小震设计时的2 ̄3倍。②框架结构:6度、7度区按不同性能目标设计,工程增加量都在10%以内;8度区,工程量增加很多,尤其是按"中震弹性"设计,混凝土和钢筋增加量都超过40%。③框架-剪力墙结构:6度区,只有按乙类建筑设计时,用钢量增加很多,约为82.0%;7度区,按中震性能目标设计时,用钢量增加很多,尤其是按"中震弹性"设计时,剪力墙截面非常大,实用性和经济性均较差。④《建筑抗震设计规范》中,对不同设防水准下的不同结构所规定的抗震措施(包括构造措施)具有重要意义。在低烈度区,单纯依靠提高设计地震作用进行设计,并不能达到提高结构抗震安全的目的;除非结构的重要性要求提高抗震设防类别,一般情况下,对结构的关键部位和关键构件采用性能设计,更为经济有效。
Seismic design of frame structure and frame-shear wall structure was carried out with different performance objectives(frequent seismic design of class C,frequent seismic design of class B,non-yielding design under moderate earthquake and elastic design under moderate earthquake).The changes in sizes of component section and rebar quantities were compared between the structures designed as class C under frequency earthquake and the same structures designed according to class B under frequency earthquake,non-yielding under moderate earthquake and elastic under moderate earthquake.The analysis indicated that: ①the building displacement under moderate earthquake was 2-3 times of that under frequency earthquake.② for frame structures,in level 6 or 7 seismic protection areas,the increase in project quantity was not within 10%,while the concrete and rebar quantity were increased by over 40% in the seismic area of protection intensity 8.③ for frame-shear wall structures,in seismic area of intensity 6,the quantity of reinforced bar was increased by about 82.0% only when designed as class B under frequent earthquake,while the quantity increase was large when designed under moderate earthquake in seismic area of level 7,and especially so for elastic design under moderate earthquake.④ it is important for the seismic fortification measures in the seismic design code consider different performance levels.It is not possible to achieve a higher seismic performance only by increasing the designing seismic force;it is economical and practical to apply performance-based design to the critical parts and members in common structures,unless higher seismic protection is required in view of the importance of structures.
China Civil Engineering Journal
performance objective
elastic design under moderate earthquake
non-yielding design under moderate earthquake
structure of class B
structure of class C