本文研究和设计了一种基于S3C4510B芯片和嵌入式实时系统的远程测控系统,主要包括系统硬件设计与嵌入式操作系统的选择。硬件系统主要由三部分组成,首先是S3C4510B及其存储器部分、包括必要的辅助电路。存储器部分包括16MB DRAM和2MB的Flash。DRAM作为操作系统内核及应用程序运行的空间。其二是对设备的采集和控制电路,主要包括两个串行口和通用I/O接口。其三是以太网数据交换电路与JTAG接口电路。
This thesis has designed a remote monitoring system based on S3C4510B and embedded real time operation system VxWorks, including hardware design and the embedding operating system selection. The hardware system is composed of three parts; the primary is S3C4510B and its memory unit, including necessary auxiliary circuit. The memory unit includes 16M bytes DRAM and 2M bytes Flash. The VxWorks operation system and application code run in DRAM, and the Flash is for the storage of BOOTROM image, VxWorks image, webs and scripts. The second part is control and data acquisition circuit unit, including two serial ports and general use I/O ports. The last part is Ethernet and JTAG circuit units.
Control & Automation