
The rise of granular computing 被引量:1

The rise of granular computing
摘要 This paper has two purposes.One is to present a critical examination of the rise of granular computing and the other is to suggest a triarchic theory of granular computing.By examining the reasons,justifications,and motivations for the rise of granular computing,we may be able to fully appreciate its scope,goal and potential values.The results enable us to formulate a triarchic theory in the light of research results from many disciplines.The three components of the theory are labeled as the philosophy,the methodology,and the computation.The integration of the three offers a unified view of granular computing as a way of structured thinking,a method of structured problem solving,and a paradigm of structured information processing,focusing on hierarchical granular structures.The triarchic theory is an important effort in synthesizing the various theories and models of granular computing. This paper has two purposes. One is to present a critical examination of the rise of granular computing and the other is to suggest a triarchic theory of granular computing. By examining the reasons, justifications, and motivations for the rise of granular computing, we may be able to fully appreciate its scope, goal and potential values. The results enable us to formulate a triarchic theory in the light of research results from many disciplines. The three components of the theory are labeled as the philosophy, the methodology, and the computation. The integration of the three offers a unified view of granular computing as a way of structured thinking, a method of structured problem solving, and a paradigm of structured information processing, focusing on hierarchical granular structures. The triarchic theory is an important effort in synthesizing the various theories and models of granular computing.
作者 YAO Yi-yu
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第3期299-308,共10页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)
基金 supported by a Discovery grant from NSERC Canada.
关键词 粒度计算 粗糙集 计算方法 数据处理 triarchie theory of granular computing systems theory structured thinking problem solving and information processing
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