2008年3月31日,中外合资东岳重工有限公司成立庆典在山东泰安隆重举行。全球领先的起重机械制造商—美国马尼托瓦克起重集团(Manitowoc Crane Group)与国内生产汽车起重机产品的资深企业泰安东岳重工有限公司,各出资50%成立中外合资泰安东岳重工有限公司。这是马尼托瓦克在中国实施的第一起合资。
On 31st March 2008, the opening ceremony of a Chinese- Foreign Equity Joint Venture named Taian Dongyue Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Joint was hold in Taian of Shandong province, with each 50% investment from Manitowoc Crane Group- the leader of international hoisting machinery manufacturers, and Taian Dongyue Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Manitowoc Crane (Asia) Group, established by Manitowoc Crane Group in Singapore, merged & acquired 50% equity of Taian Dongyue Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. According to the introduction, in the beginning period of joint venture company, the technical performance and quality of existed medium and small tonnage truck cranes will be improved further, and then the truck cranes of over 50t will be developed. Annual truck crane output is supposed to be 3000 units. The joint venture company will be the production base for oversea export of Manitowoc Group.
Construction Machinery Technology & Management