A field experiment was conducted at Laibin in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Samples were collected from sixty-eight 50m ~50m plots from a small scale field to study the spatial variability and distribution of soil nutrients in a red, acidic sugarcane field soil in a low hill subtropical region. Results from statistical and geostatistical analysis indicated that the spatial variability of soil organic matter (SOM), soil available N (SAN), soil available P (SAP) and soil available K (SAK) was mid-range. The spatial variability of SAN and SOM was mainly caused by structural factors, while that of SAP and SAK was caused by the both structural and random factors. The Semi-Variogram of SOM, SAN, SAP and SAK was well described by the Spherical Model, Spherical Model, Exponential Model and the Spherical Model, respectively. The effective ranges of spatial correlation varied from 117.6 m to 464.0 m. The spatial distribution pattern of SAN was similar to that of SOM showing that the spatial distribution of SAN was still primarily influenced by N released from SOM despite intense agricultural activities. Meanwhile, the spatial distribution patterns of SAP and SAK were similar, showing that their spatial distributions were unlike those of SAN and SOM, likely influenced by both agricultural activities and environmental factors. The general distribution trends of SOM, SAN, SAP and SAK were all alike indicating the area studied was ideal for site-specific management of nutrients and productive farming.
Sugar Crops of China
Sugarcane field
Soil nutrients
Spatial variability