The long term outcome of stent implantation is affected by a process called in-stent restenosis (ISR). In-stent restenosis remains a problem that is the chest pain after coronary stent placement. Multiple contributory factors have been identified, but clear understanding of the overall underlying mechanism remains an enigma. ISR progresses through several different phases involve numerous cellular and molecular constituents. Platelets and macrophages play key role in vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation in the intima to produce neointimal hyperplasia. Increased extracellular matrix formation appears to form the bulk of the neointimal hyperplasia tissue. Emerging evidence of the role of inflammatory cytokines and suppressors of cytokine signalling make this an exciting and novel field of antirestenosis research. Activation of Akt pathway triggered by mechanical stretch may also be a contributory factor to ISR formation, In this review, we provide an overview of therapeutic options .Intracoronary brachytherapy using beta or gamma radiation had been considered the standard of care for some years. However, the use of drug eluting stents (DES) to treat ISR had been shown to be safe, effective and ease-of-use for the prevention of recurrent restenosis. These beneficial effects had been demonstrated mainly with Cypher (Cordis Corporation) and Taxus (Boston Scientific ) stents. ISR after DES when focal angiographic pattern was present can be often treated with balloon angioplasty whereas if a non-focal pattern was recognized a new DES implantation was indicated. Waiting for a definitive answer regarding the optimal treatment oflSR from ongoing trials, we presented our current approach to ISR.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine
Coronary artery disease, Percutaneous coronary interventions, In-stent restenosis