以符合数字影院DCI规范的数字电影视频解压卡的驱动程序设计为例,介绍了使用微软公司的DDK和Compuware公司的DriverWorks开发PCI设备WDM驱动程序的方法。包括DriverWorks中PCI设备WDM驱动程序的架构,对于不同类型IO请求的不同处理方法,DMA的过程以及DMA线程之间的同步,以及将驱动程序从单CPU计算机系统移植到多CPU计算机系统的设计要点。实验结果表明,驱动程序能够控制数字电影视频解压卡对符合DCI规范的视频码流进行实时解码,该视频码流速率可以达到DCI规范给出的最大值(250 M Bits/sec)。
The methods to design WDM driver programs of PCI devices using Microsoft DDK and Compuware DriverWorks are introduced, and an example, the design of driver program for digital film image decoding board according with DCI (digital cinema initiatives, LLC) specification, are given. The following aspects of driver program design are discussed including the structure of WDM driver programs for PCI devices, the different handling methods for different kinds of I/O requests, the processing procedure of DMA in driver program and the synchronization of DMA threads, the main points to port driver programs from single-CPU system to multi-CPU system. The experimental results shows that the driver program can control the circuit board to decode in real time the DCI specified film image sequences whose maximum data rate reaches the upper limit (250 M Bits/sec) suggested by DCI specification.
Computer Engineering and Design