Due to the spherical coordinates of weather radar data sampling system, the data resolution is extremely non-uniform in space. This non-uniformity, together with largely variable spatial scales of weather systems, poses a significant challenge to objective analysis of radar data. Several objective analysis schemes are under testing for mapping radar data fields onto a threedimensional regular Cartesian grid. In this paper four interpolation schemes were tested for remapping radar data from spherical onto Cartesian coordinates. The first scheme is a nearest neighbor scheme on range-azimuth planes combined with a linear interpolation in elevational direction. For small elevation angles (〈20°) , the vertical direction is close to the elevational direction. Thus this scheme will be referred as vertical interpolation (VI) scheme. The second scheme uses the VI plus a horizontal interpolation to fill in the gaps between higher tilts (VHI). The third scheme, a tri-linear interpolation that is a bilinear interpolation on range-azimuth planes combined with a linear interpolation in elevational direction. The fourth scheme is an adaptive Barnes. Through comparison of horizontal and vertical reflectivity cross section by use of the four interpolation schemes, it was found that the adaptive Barnes is the most reasonable analysis scheme that provides consecutive reflectivity fields and retains high-resolution structure comparable to the raw data.
Remote Sensing Information
weather radar