
社会资本与国民福利的关系 被引量:7

An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Social Capital and National Economic Welfare in China
摘要 20世纪90年代中期以来,社会资本与国民福利的关系受到不少国外经济学家的关注,但是国内的相关研究委实太少。通过研究,得出如下结论:(1)社会资本不同维度对国民福利的影响不同,信任水平提高1个单位,平均国民福利水平将提高0.009个单位,民间组织密度提高1个单位,平均国民福利水平将提高0·136个单位;(2)除了对国民福利的直接影响外,社会资本还通过与其它因素的联合效应对国民福利施加间接影响,信任与人力资本、技术创新及制度的联合效应对国民福利产生微弱的负作用,民间组织密度与这些因素的联合效应对国民福利产生显著的正作用。 Since 1995, there are many economists abroad devoting to the relationship between social capital and national economic welfare, but we find a few at home. Our econometric results show that: (1) social capital, including trust and the density of civic organizations, positively influences national economic wel- fare. When the trust level improves one unit, the average national welfare level increases 0. 009 unit. When the density of civic organizations improves 1 unit, the average national welfare level increases 0. 136 unit. (2) Social capital not only directly positively influences national economic welfare, but also indirectly does it by the combined effect on other factors. The combined effects of trust on human capital, technology innovation and institution are slightly negative, and that of civic group on these factors is significantly positive.
作者 杨宇 郑垂勇
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期54-62,共9页 Finance & Economics
关键词 社会资本 国民福利 实证研究 Social Capital National Economic Welfare Empirical Analysis
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