本文由互不依赖的四篇短文组成,相应地,本文的摘要划分为四点主要结论。本文提出生长参数的生物学概念问题,与《东白令海刺黄盖鲽(Limandd aspera)年龄与生长的调查研究》一文的作者商榷,其中包括所谓的“生长指标”以及Von.Bertalanffy生长函数及其修改中的生长参数b,t_o与K。四点主要结论如下: 1.生长指标(growth indexes)D_(lt)△l_tln(l_(t+l))/l_t和D_(wt)△W_tln(W_(t+l)/W_t)与生长快慢本身具的生态概念背道而驰,是对于相对生长率(relative growth rates)C_(lt)△(l_(t+l)-l_t)/l_t和C_(wt)△(W_(t+l)-W_t)/W_t的否定,不能作为划分生长阶段的依据。《刺黄盖鲽》一文中的一系列自相矛盾的计算结果清清楚楚地暴露了所谓的生长指标实际上指不了什么标,它是在数学外衣掩盖下的谬误,应该向世界各国的鱼类生态学界建议废除。 2.鱼类种群一个世代在时刻t的平均体长l_t和平均体重w_t之间的幂函数关系模式w_t=α_wl_t^b中的生长参数b是异速生长常数(constant of allometry growth),表示w_t按其对数值的生长量(以及速度)是对应的l_t按其对数值的生长量(以及速度)的b倍。归纳概括出上述的关系式依赖于下列假设:“鱼体均匀生长,即体形与比重(密度)不变。”这一假设不涉及b值的大小,与b值是否等于3无关,根本不是“如果b=3”的推论,而是人们对于实际情况的一种近似。 3.Von.Bertalanffy生长函数及其修改中的t_o是一个假定的年龄(an assumed age),是假定生长曲线所描述的成年鱼的生长规律也适用于幼鱼而将其向幼鱼阶段延伸与t轴的交点的横坐标。这样延伸出一个假定的对应于平均体长和平均体重等于零的年龄t_o仅仅是为了简化生长函数作为一种数学模式的表达形式,根本不涉及任何生物学理论和数学理论;也根本不存在不知什么样的理论研究得出的所谓体长和体重等于零时的理论年龄(theoreticalage at wh
This paper consists of the four short treatises being independent on each other, and the present abstract is divided correspondingly into the following four main conclusions:1. The (lgl_(t+l)-lgl_t_/0.4343×l_t being called as growth index is a fallacy under coyer of mathematics used as a garb. It can not be used as basis when people divide the growth of one generation into several stages and can indicate nothing. Its true features have been revealed very clearly by a series of self-contradictory calculated results in the article Yellowfin Sole. Hence we should suggest the fish ecology field of all the countries in the world to abrogate the socalled growth index.2. The relation expression w_t=α_wl_t^b, which is used as a sort of mathematical model, depends on the assumption that the fish bodies grow evenly, i. e. body shape and specific gravity remain unchanged. This assumption is an approximation for the actual state and is irrelevant to the size of b-values. The fact is not diametrically what the authors of the article Yellowfin Sole said. The former assumption is a deduction reached by reasoning from the 'If b=3'.The growth parameter b in the model w_t=α_wl_t^b,which is named as constant of allometry growth, is the specific value of two growing speeds coming from the two kinds of biological quantities w_t and 1(?) of an organism, which increase according to their respective logarithmic values: b=d(logw_t)/dt/d(logl_t/dt).3. The growth parameter to, in Von. Bertalanffy's growth functions and the revision to w_t, is an assumed age. It was born in the assumption that the growth of average body length (and weight) of one generation during juvenile stage conforms also to the growth law of adult fishes. This assumption is irrelevant to any theories such as biological theory and mathematical theory and so on, but it is put out merely in order to simplify the expression forms of Von. Bertalanffys' growth functions and the revision to w_t. Especially, such simplification is indispensable for Von. Bertalanffy's w_t an
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology