最大残留限量(MRLs)也称容许量(Tolerance),是指食品和饲料上/中的残留浓度的法定限量。设定这些最大残留限量所使用的方法在促进国际间贸易、协调一致和工作分担方面起着关键作用。以往美国和加拿大农药残留限量的设定方法一般是从一批监督田间试验数据中找出最大残留值,然后将数值向上进位。关于残留限量应该比田间试验最大残留值高出多少方面缺乏相关的指导方法,因而来自不同政府机构的评估者对设定水平和向上进位程度意见不一。限量设定程序中存在的这种主观性常常导致不同的评估者基于同一数据却提出不同的残留限量值。美国环保局(EPA)和加拿大卫生局(HC)因而决定建立"北美自由贸易协定残留限量协调工作组",其成员来自EPA下属的农药管理局(OPP)和HC下属的有害生物管理局(PRMA),还包括来自加利福尼亚农药管理局(California DPR)和欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)的观察员。工作组的任务是建立和提出一套基于统计学的规程作为从提交的田间试验数据来设定最大残留限量的标准参照。
Executive Summary: Maximum residue limits (MRLs) also referred to as tolerances are legal limits for residue concentrations of pesticides on/in foods and feeds. The methods used for setting these MRLs play a critical role in terms of facilitating international trade, harmonization, and worksharing. In the past, the pesticide tolerance-setting methodology in the US and Canada generally consisted of identifying the highest residue from a set of supervised field trial data and then "rounding up." There was little guidance regarding how much higher tolerance should be than the highest field trial residue, and different reviewers from different governmental agencies may have different views with respect to the level at which tolerances should be set and the degree of "round-up." The subjectivity involved in such a procedure would often result in different reviewers proposing different tolerance values based on the same data. This led the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Heath Canada (HC) to form the "NAFI'A Tolerance Harmonization Workgroup" consisting of members from the US EPA' s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and HC' s Pest Management Regulatory Authority (PMRA) as well as observers from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (California DPR) and the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) This Workgroup was tasked to develop and propose a statistically-based procedure which could be used as a standard basis for establishing MRLs from submitted field trial data.
During early discussions, the Workgroup agreed that any proposed methodology should estabhsh MRLs at a level which effectively balances the probability associated with wrongly seizing a legally treated crop versus the probability of being incapable with a reasonable degree of assurance of detecting illegal use. In addition, the Workgroup decided that any developed methodology should be reasonably simple to use by non-statisticians (requiring only calculators or spreadsheets) , sho
Pesticide Science and Administration