
峰荷机组最优装机容量及其投资激励相容性的研究 被引量:1

Research on Incentive Compatibility of Optimum Capacity and Investment of Peak Load Carrying Units
摘要 峰荷机组装机容量的确定直接影响到峰荷时段的电价尖峰水平和供电可靠性等问题。经综合考虑峰荷机组的强迫停运率、运行成本和维护成本等影响因素,提出了总成本最小化的峰荷机组装机容量量化模型。同时,还分别从社会成本最小化和投资者利润最大化的角度分析了社会最优的峰荷机组装机容量目标和投资者最优的目标之间的分歧,以及在峰荷装机容量偏离最优水平的客观实际环境中,二者的投资激励不相容性。 The capacity of peak load unit directly affects peak electricity price level and reliability of power supply during peak load period. Considering the factors, such as forced outage rate (FOR), and operating and maintenance costs of peak load units, a total cost minimized, quantitative peak load unit capacity model is proposed. In the mean time, the differences of unit capacity targets between maximum social benefits and maximum investors' profits are analyzed form minimizing social cost and maximizing investors' profit point of views. And the investment incentive incompatibility of both requirements in real environment is also analyzed.
机构地区 华北电力大学
出处 《电力建设》 2008年第5期17-21,共5页 Electric Power Construction
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70671041)
关键词 发电投资 装机容量 激励相容 价格上限 investment in power generation capacity incentive compatibility price upper limit
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