32 cases oI different types of spinal kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis were treated with completespinal osteotomy and with intrurnents. The spinal cord were shortened by 2cm to 5cm after osteotomywith an average shortening of 2. 8cm. The clinical operation indicated that when spinal cord shortenednot more than 4cm,the function of spinal cord would be normal and the limbs were of no neurologicalcomplications. But,if the spinal cord shortened more than 4cm,spinal cord were too tortuous and broad-ened,and the spinal canal could not he1d spinal cord and compress spinal cord causing neurological corn-plications of limbs. Spihal cord of 2 cases were extented by 1cm causing neurological complications oflimbs irnmediately. The clinical study shows the shortened spinal cord is very tolerable, but extentedspinal cord is not tolerable.
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord