目的:监测余姚市内所售淡水贝类生物样品中Hg、As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn等重金属含量,调查研究其生态环境中受重金属污染状况。方法:于2006年4月至2007年4月对12个农贸市场的4种淡水贝类螺蛳、黄蚬、田螺、河蚌等样品中的重金属Hg、As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn采用冷原子吸收光谱法、原子荧光光度法、火焰及无火焰原子吸收分光光度法进行了分析测定。结果:淡水贝类生物样品中的重金属平均含量,Hg:0.037 mg/kg、As:0.339 mg/kg、Pb:0.428 mg/kg、Cd:0.076 mg/kg、Cr:0.663 mg/kg、Cu:28.2 mg/kg、Zn:57.3 mg/kg、Fe:70.8 mg/kg、Mn:8.85 mg/kg,结果表明:螺蛳中含Cr、Cu、Zn最高,黄蚬中含Pb、Cd最高,田螺中含Fe最高,河蚌中含Hg、As、Mn最高。结论:对照GB18406.4-2001《无公害水产品安全要求》,余姚市淡水贝类生物体内的Hg、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu等都有不同程度的超标现象(总砷、锌、铁、锰等指标国家目前尚无规定限值),但大多数都低于标准要求,从食用方面考虑,基本对人体健康是安全的。贝类的尾部重金属含量明显高于头部,建议尽量少食贝类尾部。
Objective:To research the heavy metal pollution condition of freshwater mussels in ecological environment, through a sample test for their heavy metal content (e. g. Hg, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn). Methods:The researchers conducted the study in a random sample of four kinds of the freshwater mussels ( Luo Si - Cipangopaludina Chinensis, Tian Luo -Cipangopaludina Chinensis, Huang Xian- Corbicula fluminea, He Bang- Anodonta) from 12 agricultural products markets in Yuyao city over one year between April 2006 and April 2007, and analyzed their content of Hg, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn by cold atomic absorption spectrometric method, atomic fluorescece spectrometric method, flame and tameless atomic absorption spectrometric method. Results:The average heavy metal content in the samples were: Hg :0. 037 mg/kg, As: 0. 339 mg/kg, Pb.0. 428 mg/kg, Cd:0. 076 mg/kg, Cr:0. 663 mg/kg, Cu:28.2 mg/kg, Zn:57.3 mg/kg, Fe:70. 8 mg/kg, Mn.8.85 mg/kg. According to the tests, the Cr, Cu, and Zn content are the greatest in Luo Si, the content of Pb, Cd in Huang Xian was the highest, Fe content was highest in Tian Luo, and He Bang contain the most amounts of Hg, As and Mn. Conclusion: By testing the samples, we draw a conclusion that Hg, Pb, Cr, and Cu content in freshwater mussels in Yuyao all exceed the standards in different degrees in comparison with the " Safety Requirements for Non - environmental Pollution Products (GB18406. 4 -2001 )" (the national standards of As, Zn, Fe and Mn haven't been established) , but most kinds of heavy metal content are below the standards. Basically, most freshwater mussels are safe food to human health. However, the heavy metal content in foot section is significantly higher than that in head section. Therefore, people should eat the foot part of freshwater mussels less.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Freshwater mussels
Heavy metal