AIM: To search one ceramic material instead of metal material to be used as the core implant material. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in the Pharmacological Laboratory of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University between March and June in 2007. The SiC material was fashioned into three wafers of 5 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. Then the material was put separately in the cuvette with l0 mL physiological saline solution as the test group, while those in the cuvette with l0 mL distilled water or l0 mL physiological solution were taken as the positive control group and the negative control group. The dilute rabbit blood (0.2 mL) was added into each cuvette. Haemolysis rate was measured according to the formula of (the absorbance value of SiC material-the absorbance value of negative control group)/(the absorbance value of positive control group-the absorbance value of negative control group)× 100%.
RESULTS: Haemolysis rate of the SiC implant material was 1.04%, which was lower than 5%.
CONCLUSION: The SiC implant material will not induce acute haemolysis.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research